

The sketch book is an essential tool in building up a record of data for future use. Also if used on a daily basis becomes more than just a sketch book but also a diary. I look back at my old books
The sketch book is an essential tool in building up a record of data for future use. Also if used on a daily basis becomes more than just a sketch book but also a diary. I look back at my old books and remember old times. Looking at old sketch books can bring memories of not just visuals, but smells and other happy memories.

: Always try to remember to carry a small sketch book with you. You will be able to record the unexpected and interesting things that you see wherever you go.

: It also pays to have a couple of larger sketch books on the go for more planned work, and for developing what you have in your small sketch book.

: Annotate your sketches. Put the date, where you were when you did the sketch. If you only have a pencil you could note down colours. What the weather was like. Anything of interest, including sounds, smells etc.

: You may have a topic or theme that interests you and so keep one sketch book just for that topic.

: Look for challenging subjects. It doesn’t matter if you make a mistake. Learning is all about making mistakes. Any body that hasn’t made mistakes isn’t doing anything worthwhile.

: You shouldn’t be just a fair weather sketcher. I know it is more difficult to sketch when it is raining or even snowing, but remember you aren’t doing a detailed drawing so you don’t have to spend all day doing it.

: If you can, try to carry more than one media with you.

: Some times we like our sketch books to be private, but it can be interesting to share ideas with others. Compare notes with other sketch book users. Sometimes this helps to develop ideas, and push you in directions that you might not have thought of yourself.